Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

Maritime Education and Training Fund

Maritime Education and Training Fund


Students’ Grants

To qualify for consideration for the fund, a student must be a Tanzanian registered/admitted by a Maritime Training Institution, and qualify for eligibility criteria hereunder stipulated. However, this will also be subject to availability of funds;-

  • Support to female students in offshore professional training;
  • Research falling within offshore professional training;
  • Best performers with distinctive GPA.

Maritime Education Institutions/Organizations’ grants

To qualify for consideration for the Fund’s support, the applying educational institutions should have the following qualifications;-

  • Must demonstrate, in writing, the relevance use of Funds to implement projects in line with the objective of the Fund as stipulated in METFUND Regulations 2011.
  • Must be registered in Tanzania by relevant authorities and has Tax Identification Number (TIN) with Tax clearance certificate.
  • Must possess an unqualified report provided by Controller and Auditor General.
  • Must have contributed to the Fund and have no outstanding contribution fees.