Tanzania emblem
The United Republic of Tanzania

Maritime Education and Training Fund

Maritime Education and Training Fund


Who are we?

The Maritime Education and Training Fund (METFUND) is established under the Merchant Shipping Act No. 21 of 2003. As such, METFUND’s functions and responsibilities are also governed by the Merchant Shipping (Maritime Education and Training Fund) Regulations, 2011, as published in the Government Notice No. 184 of 18/05/2012.

The government of the United Republic of Tanzania by establishing the Maritime Education and Training Fund focused on financing maritime education and training for eligible Tanzanians to enhance professionalism in the maritime industry. The Fund is also entrusted to collect due loans from loan beneficiaries and use it as revolving fund to sustain its operations.

What we do?

To ensure the effectiveness and impact of the Maritime Education and Training Fund, the Fund has identified priority areas for support. These are;

  • Training of Tanzanians in Marine navigation, pilotage, marine engineering and engineering disciplines, shipping agency, maritime law, offshore engineering, offshore oil & gas technology, maritime economics, cargo handling, cargo clearing and freight forwarding, maritime safety and security and marine environment professions.
  • Short courses programmes for Tanzanians seafarers aimed at promoting compliance with national and international standards in order to improve shipping and port performance and to enhance maritime safety and security and protection of marine environment.
  • Acquisition of approved seagoing service relevant to the issue of a certificate of competency or other qualifications.
  • Acquiring training facilities and learning resources for the Tanzanian Training Institutions.
  • Short courses related to capacity building of the office responsible for registration and licensing of ships.